Publication - The Farm Distributed Simulation Environment

Authors: Horling, Bryan; Mailler, Roger; and Lesser, Victor
Title: The Farm Distributed Simulation Environment
Abstract: In this paper we introduce Farm, a distributed simulation environment for simulating large-scale multi-agent systems. Farm uses a component-based architecture, allowing the researcher to easily modify and augment the simulation, as well as distribute the various pieces to spread the computational load and improve running time. Technical details of Farms architecture are described, along with discussion of the rationale behind this design. Performance graphs are provided, along with a brief discussion of the environments currently being modeled with Farm.
Keywords: Farm, Simulation Environments
Publication: Computer Science Technical Report 2004-12, Num: 2004-12
Publisher: University of Massachusetts
Date: March 2004
Sources: PS: /Documents/bhorling/
PDF: /Documents/04-12.pdf
Reference: Horling, Bryan; Mailler, Roger; and Lesser, Victor. The Farm Distributed Simulation Environment. Computer Science Technical Report 2004-12, Number 2004-12, University of Massachusetts. March 2004.
  author    = "Bryan Horling and Roger Mailler and Victor Lesser",
  title     = "{The Farm Distributed Simulation Environment}",
  number    = "2004-12",
  institution = "University of Massachusetts",
  type      = "Computer Science Technical Report",
  month     = "March",
  year      = "2004",
  url       = "",