Publication - Integrative Negotiation In Complex Organizational Agent Systems

Authors: Xiaoqin Zhang; Victor Lesser; and Tom Wagner
Title: Integrative Negotiation In Complex Organizational Agent Systems
Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of negotiation in a complex organizational context and tries to bridge the gap between self-interested negotiation and cooperative negotiation. An integrative negotiation mechanism is introduced, which enables agents to choose any attitude from the extremes of self-interested and cooperative to those that are partially self-interested and partially cooperative. This mechanism is based on and also extends the motivational qualities(MQ) framework for evaluating which task an agent should pursue at each time point.
Keywords: Agent Control, Cooperative Negotiation, MQ, Multi-Agent Systems, Negotiation, Organizational Design
Publication: Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2002), pp. 503 - 504
Publisher: (Extended Abstract)
Date: July 2002
Sources: HTML:
Notes: A full version is available as University of Massachusetts Computer Science Technical Report #02-43,
Reference: Xiaoqin Zhang; Victor Lesser; and Tom Wagner . Integrative Negotiation In Complex Organizational Agent Systems. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2002), (Extended Abstract), pp. 503-504. July 2002. A full version is available as University of Massachusetts Computer Science Technical Report #02-43,
  author    = "Victor Lesser Xiaoqin Zhang and Tom Wagner ",
  title     = "{Integrative Negotiation In Complex Organizational
               Agent Systems}",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the First International Joint
               Conference on Autonomous Agents \& MultiAgent
               Systems (AAMAS 2002)",
  publisher = "(Extended Abstract)",
  pages     = "503-504",
  month     = "July",
  year      = "2002",
  url       = "",