Publication - Issues in Design-to-time Real-Time Scheduling

Authors: Garvey, Alan, Lesser, Victor
Title: Issues in Design-to-time Real-Time Scheduling
Abstract: Abstract Design-to-time real-time scheduling is an alternative to the many flexible computation approaches that are based on anytime algorithms. It builds schedules at runtime that dynamically combine solutions to subproblems, taking advantage of the time available to achieve the best results it can. In this paper we look in detail at a few issues related to design-to-time, including where the approximationswe rely on come from, how uncertainty affects the scheduling process and the interface between the scheduler and its invoker.
Keywords: Scheduling
Publication: AAAI Fall 1996 Symposium on Flexible Computation
Date: November 1996
Sources: PS:
PDF: /Documents/garvey-fs96.pdf
Reference: Garvey, Alan, Lesser, Victor. Issues in Design-to-time Real-Time Scheduling. AAAI Fall 1996 Symposium on Flexible Computation. November 1996.
  author    = "Alan Garvey and Victor Lesser",
  title     = "{Issues in Design-to-time Real-Time Scheduling}",
  journal   = "AAAI Fall 1996 Symposium on Flexible Computation",
  month     = "November",
  year      = "1996",
  url       = "",