Publication - Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving: a New Approach for Structuring Distributed Systems

Authors: Lesser, Victor; Corkill, Daniel
Title: Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving: a New Approach for Structuring Distributed Systems
Publication: University of Massachusetts Amherst Computer Science Technical Report #78-7, Vol:
Date: May 1978
Sources: PDF: /Documents/lesser/VL_CS-TR-78-7.pdf
Reference: Lesser, Victor; Corkill, Daniel. Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving: a New Approach for Structuring Distributed Systems. University of Massachusetts Amherst Computer Science Technical Report #78-7, Volume . May 1978.
  author    = "Victor Lesser and Daniel Corkill",
  title     = "{Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving: a New
               Approach for Structuring Distributed Systems}",
  volume    = " ",
  month     = "May",
  year      = "1978",
  url       = "",