Publication - Decommitment in Multi-resource Negotiation

Authors: An, Bo; Lesser, Victor; Sim, Kwang Mong
Title: Decommitment in Multi-resource Negotiation
Abstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of negotiation agents that negotiate with other entities for acquiring multiple resources. In our approach, agents utilize a time-dependent negotiation strategy in which the reserve price of each negotiation issue is dynamically determined by 1) the likelihood that negotiation will not be successfully completed (conflict probability), 2) the expected agreement price of the issue, and 3) the expected number of final agreements. Results from a series of experiments indicate that on average, our negotiation strategy achieved higher average utility than traditional negotiation strategies.
Publication: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), pp. 1553 - 1556
Editor: Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons
Location: Estoril, Portugal
Publisher: IFAAMAS
Date: 2008
Sources: PDF: /Documents/bo-an_aamas08.pdf
Notes: (Short paper)
Reference: An, Bo; Lesser, Victor; Sim, Kwang Mong. Decommitment in Multi-resource Negotiation. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons, ed., IFAAMAS, pp. 1553-1556. 2008. (Short paper)
  author    = "Bo An and Victor Lesser and Kwang Mong Sim",
  title     = "{Decommitment in Multi-resource Negotiation}",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International
               Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
               Systems (AAMAS 2008)",
  editor    = "Parkes Padgham and ller Mu\̈ and Parsons",
  publisher = "IFAAMAS",
  pages     = "1553-1556",
  year      = "2008",
  address   = "Estoril, Portugal",
  url       = "",