Publication - Networked Information Retrieval as Distributed Problem Solving

Authors: Tim Oates, M. V. Nagendra Prasad and Victor R. Lesser
Title: Networked Information Retrieval as Distributed Problem Solving
Keywords: Distributed Problem Solving, Information Retrieval
Publication: Proc. of CIKM Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents held in conjunction with the 3rd Int Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 94)
Date: 1994
Sources: PS:
PDF: /Documents/lesser/diir-cikm.pdf
Reference: Tim Oates, M. V. Nagendra Prasad and Victor R. Lesser. Networked Information Retrieval as Distributed Problem Solving. Proc. of CIKM Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents held in conjunction with the 3rd Int Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 94). 1994.
  author    = "M. V. Nagendra Prasad Tim Oates and Victor R.
  title     = "{Networked Information Retrieval as Distributed
               Problem Solving}",
  journal   = "Proc. of CIKM Workshop on Intelligent Information
               Agents held in conjunction with the 3rd Int Conf.
               on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 94)",
  year      = "1994",
  url       = "",