Publications From 1980

Lesser, V.R.; Erman, L.D. Distributed Interpretation: A Model and an Experiment. IEEE Transactions on Computers – Special Issue on Distributed Processing, Volume C-29, Number 12, IEEE Press, pp. 1144-1163. 1980. Other index terms: Cooperative problem solving, distributed interpretation, distributed processing, knowledge-based interpretation systems.

Reed, S. and Lesser, V.R. Division of Labor in Honey Bees and Distributed Focus of Attention. University of Massachusetts/Amherst Computer and Information Science Department Technical Report 80-17. 1980.

Lesser, V.R.; Pavlin, J., and Reed, S. Quantifying and Simulating the Behavior of Knowledge-Based Interpretation Systems. Proceedings of the 1980 National Conference on Artifical Intelligence, pp. 111-115. 1980.

Erman, L.D.; Hayes-Roth, F.; Lesser, V.R.; Reddy, D.R. . The HEARSAY-II Speech Understanding System: Integrating Knowledge to Resolve Uncertainty. Computing Surveys, Volume 12, Number 2, ACM, pp. 213-253. 1980.

Lesser, V.R. and Wileden, J.C. Issues in the Design of Tools for Distributed Software System Development. Software Development Tools, W.E. Riddle and R. Fairley, ed., Springer-Verlag. 1980.