University of Massachusetts@Amherst Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Department
CMPSCI 683 Fall 2004

In-depth introduction to Artificial Intelligence focusing on techniques that allow intelligent systems to operate in real-time and cope with missing information, uncertainty, and limited computational resources. Topics include: advanced search, knowledge representation, logic, nonmonotonic reasoning, planning, reasoning under uncertainty, decision theory, machine learning, perception and interpretation, expert systems, agent architectures, and resource-bounded reasoning.

Homework policy:
Each homework assignment is associated with a particular lecture (the lecture in which it is to be handed out). Unless other specified, the homework is due two weeks from the day the corresponding lecture is received, by 5pm in the homework mailbox in the CS main office. Please mark each homework with the date the lecture was received and the date you turned it in. If you have difficulties with the assignment, contact the TA or myself as early as possible so that we can help you meet the deadline. In most cases, you can turn in homework via email. Please send all your answers, documented code, and illustration in one file (.pdf, .ps, or .txt files (no .doc please!) are fine as long as the TA can easily print them). Assignments will not be accepted later without the express permission of the instructor or the teaching assistant.

To add some flexibility, each VIP/NTU student will be allowed two-week extensions for each homework without penalty. You should clearly indicate yourself as a VIP student on handins.

Instructor: Victor R. Lesser

  • (413)545-1322, fax 545-1249
  • Office hours: Tues 1:00-2:30pm

Undergraduate background in Computer Science, and an undergraduate Artificial Intelligence course (CMPSCI 383 or equivalent).

Lectures: TuTh 9:30-10:45 in Computer Science Bldg.150 (Note Change)

TA: Michael O'Neil

  • Office hours: Wed 1-3pm LGRT T220

Grading: Homeworks (40%), Midterm (30%), Final (30%)

Required book:
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd Edition), Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2003. ( You must get 2nd Edition)

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