Publications From 1988
Durfee, Edmund, and Lesser, Victor. Incremental Planning to Control a Time-Constrained, Blackboard-Based Problem Solver. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, special issue on space telerobotics, Volume 24, Number 5, pp. 647-662. 1988.
Edmund H. Durfee and Victor R. Lesser. Predictability Versus Responsiveness: Coordinating Problem Solvers in Dynamic. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 66-71. 1988.
Conry, S.E.; Meyer, R.A. and Lesser, V.R. Multistage Negotiation in Distributed Planning. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L. Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 367-384. 1988. UMass 1986 Technical Report version provided here.
Durfee, E.H. and Lesser, V.R. Planning to Meet Deadlines in a Backboard-based Problem Solver. Tutorial on Hard Real-Time Systems, J. Stankovic and K. Ramamritham, ed., IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, pp. 595-608. 1988.
Durfee, E.H. and Lesser, V.R. Using Partial Global Plans to Coordinate Distributed Problem Solvers. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L. Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 285-293. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Durfee, E.H.; Lesser, V.R. and Corkill, D.D. Coherent Cooperation Among Communicating Problem Solvers. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L. Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 268-284. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Erman, L.D.; Hayes-Roth, F.; Lesser, V.R. and Reddy, D.R. The HEARSAY-II Speech Understanding System: Integrating Knowledge to Resolve Uncertainty. Blackboard Systems, R. Engelmore and T. Morgan, ed., Addison-Wesley, pp. 31-86. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Fennell, R.D. and Lesser, V.R. Parallelism in AI Problem Solving: A Case Study of HEARSAY-II. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L.Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 106-119. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Hudlicka, E. and Lesser, V. Modeling and Diagnosing Problem-Solving System Behavior. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L. Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 490-502. 1988. Please see The Publication Instead
Lefkowitz, L.S. and Lesser, V.R. Knowledge Acquisition as Knowledge Assimilation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Volume 29, Number 2, pp. 215-226. 1988.
Lesser, V.R. and Corkill, D.D. The Distributed Vehicle Monitoring Testbed: A Tool for Investigating Distributed Problem Solving Networks. Readings from the AI Magazine, Volume 1-5, R. Engelmore, ed., AAAI Publishers, pp. 69-85. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Lesser, V.R. and Corkill, D.D. The Distributed Vehicle Monitoring Testbed: A Tool for Investigating Distributed Problem Solving Networks. Blackboard Systems, R. Engelmore and T. Morgan, ed., Addison-Wesley, pp. 353-386. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Lesser, V.R. and Corkill,D.D. Functionally Accurate Cooperative Distributed Systems. Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, A. Bond and L.Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 295-310. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Lesser, V.R. and Erman, L.D. A Retrospective View of the HEARSAY-II Architecture. Blackboard Systems, R. Englemore and T. Morgan, ed., Addison Wesley, pp. 87-121. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Lesser, V.R. and Erman, L.D. Distributed Interpretation: A Model and an Experiment. Readings in Distributed Artficial Intelligence, A. Bond and L. Gasser, ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, California, pp. 120-139. 1988. Please see This Publication Instead
Lesser, Victor, Pavlin, Jasmina, and Durfee, Edmund. Approximate Processing in Real-Time Problem Solving. AI Magazine, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 49-61. 1988.