A note on the edlab

Edlab homepage is http://www-edlab.cs.umass.edu/

All students will have an account. Most account names are the same as their OIT usernames (not their cs department usernames).

EDLAB password default is ELxxxaaa where

The above is the default, unless you've changed at some point in the past.

NEW - NO walk-in EDLAB hours, remote access is assumed in most cases

28 of the Edmac systems are triple boot (MACOS/Windows/Linux). The remaining systems are 4 Elnux Linux systems (elnux1.cs.umass.edu, elnux2.cs.umass.edu, elnux3.cs.umass.edu and elnux7.cs.umass.edu) available for remote logins only.

Course Setup:: (we will use cs287 as an example:)

Each student will have an account with their home directory on the grad partitions. The students are all in the group grad. They will also have links to the courses that they take.

A student in cs287 would type:

cd cs287

to get to their course directory. This is where they should do all cs287 work!!!