The Seventh International Workshop on

Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL-2000)

Boston, USA - July 7-9, 2000

Held in conjunction with ICMAS-2000




As we turn to a new millennium, intelligent agents are one of the most important recent developments in computer science. Agents are of interest in many important application areas, ranging from human-computer interaction to industrial process control. The ATAL workshop series aims to bring together researchers interested in the agent-level, micro aspects of agent technology. Specifically, ATAL-2000 will address issues such as theories of rational agency, software architectures for intelligent agents, methodologies and programming languages for realising agents, and software tools for applying and evaluating agent systems. Papers that consider macro-level, societal issues of agent-based systems are welcome only if they explicitly relate to the workshop themes.

ATAL-2000 will be held in conjunction with the ICMAS'2000 conference and a set of other agent-related workshops and tutorials. The ATAL-2000 proceedings will be formally published as volume seven of the Intelligent Agents series from Springer-Verlag.  

Workshop Themes

As the title suggests, the workshop has three main themes: In addition, ATAL-2000 will include two special paper tracks, and submissions are particularly welcome on these: Papers that cross theme boundaries are of particular interest. An example would be a paper that demonstrated how a particular agent architecture embodied some theory of agency, or what benefits a particular agent language can bring in a specific application domain.  

Submission Details

Those wishing to participate in the workshop should submit an original research paper of up to 5000 words (approximately 13 pages maximum) to Yves Lespérance. If you wish your paper to be considered for one of the special tracks then mark this clearly on the front page. Electronic submission in PostScript is strongly encouraged, but four single-sided hard copies will also suffice. The first page should include the full name and contact details (including email, full postal address, and telephone number) of at least one author. Formatting instructions are available from the workshop WWW site. The preproceedings will be distributed at the workshop; the formal proceedings will be published shortly afterwards.

Those wishing to attend without presenting a paper should send a brief summary of their interests in agents to one of the co-chairs. Attendance will, of necessity, be limited.  


Submissions due March 27, 2000
Notifications sent April 28, 2000
Prefinal versions due      May 30, 2000
Workshop July 7-9, 2000


Cristiano Castelfranchi(CO-CHAIR)
Division of AI, Cognitive Modeling, Email:
& Interaction, Institute of Psychology Tel: (+39)-6-86090-518
National Research Council
Viale Marx 15, I-00137 Rome, Italy
Yves Lespérance (CO-CHAIR)
Department of Computer Science Email:
York University Tel: (+1 416) 736-5053
Room 126, Chemistry and Comp. Sc. Bldg.   
4700 Keele St.,
Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3.

Program Committee

Ron ArkinGeorgia Institute of Technology, USA.
Chitta BaralArizona State U, USA.
Suzanne BarberU of Texas at Austin, USA.
Michael BeetzU of Bonn, Germany.
Stefan BussmannDaimler-Chrysler, Germany.
Lawrence CavedonRMIT, Australia.
Paolo CiancariniU of Bologna, Italy.
Phil CohenOregon Graduate Inst, USA.
Rosaria ConteIP-CNR, Italy.
Giuseppe De GiacomoU of Rome, Italy.
Keith DeckerU of Delaware, USA.
Frank DignumEindhoven U, Netherlands.
Alexis DrogoulU of Paris VI, France.
Jacques FerberU of Montpellier II, France.
Klaus FischerDFKI, Germany.
Michael FisherManchester Metropolitan Univ, UK.
Stan FranklinU of Memphis, USA.
Fausto GiunchigliaU of Trento, Italy.
Piotr Gmytrasiewicz                   U of Texas at Arlington, USA.
Keith GoldenNASA Ames Res. Ctr., USA.
Barbara GroszHarvard U, USA.
Afsaneh HaddadiDaimler-Chrysler, Germany.
Henry HexmoorU of North Dakota, USA.
Wiebe van der HoekUtrecht U, Netherlands.
Marc HuberIntelligent Reasoning Systems, USA.
Mark d'InvernoU of Westminster, UK.
Nick JenningsUniversity of Southampton, UK.
David KinnyU of Melbourne, Australia.
Sarit KrausBar-Ilan U, Israel.
Michael LuckU of Warwick, UK.
John-Jules MeyerUtrecht U, Netherlands.
Joerg MuellerSiemens, Germany.
Anand Rao Mitchell Madison Group, UK.
Murray ShanahanImperial College, UK.
Onn ShehoryIBM Haifa Res. Labs, Israel.
Carles SierraCSIC, Spain.
Munindar SinghNorth Carolina State U, USA.
Liz SonenbergU of Melbourne, Australia.
Katia SycaraCarnegie Mellon U, USA.
Milind TambeUSC-ISI, USA.
Jan TreurFree Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Tom WagnerU of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA.
Wayne WobckeBritish Telecom Labs, UK.
Mike WooldridgeUniversity of Liverpool, UK.
Eric YuU of Toronto, Canada.