The International Workshop on
Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL)
This page contains information that should help you formatting the Camera-ready
version of your paper to go in the ATAL proceedings.
Please make sure you use the Springer LLNCS Style to prepare your book.
For details, please download the ATAL author pack (click on the hyperlink
ATAL author pack: This is a TAR file
that contains all ATAL-specific formatting instructions. Ite extends (and
also includes) the standard Springer LNCS author's instructions. After
downloading the file, you can extract it by either using WINZIP (on WINDOWS
computers), or (under UNIX) by running
tar -xvf author-pack.tar
This will extract all the files into a subdirectory author-pack.
Please start by reading the file author-pack/READ-ME.txt,
which explains how to use the author pack.
Editor instructions (for editors' use)
only! Please ignore this